Rabu, 15 Februari 2012


Faith & Life Accounts of Missionary Experience
Created By: Fr. Harold Maria Toledano, OAD
  Memory is the power of retaining past experiences, a commemorative remembrance as well as a particular act of recollection. Memory is important because with it comes history and we are children of our history. Making a memory of our missionary roots will not only edify us but will confirm our identity and dignity as OAD. Memory would not be such real and meaningful if no one celebrates or perpetuates it. Let us commemorate with joy the blessed lives of our venerable missionaries to reawaken in us their zeal and dedication for the cause of the gospel.
  This is to honor the apostolic heroism of our confreres. It is just an honest way to thank God for inspiring our Order and our confreres to show the depth of their understanding on the command of the Risen Lord: “go to the world and announce the good news and baptize them all in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Mt.27:19) not  only by preaching it but by living it too.
  After having read, meditated and in some way shared their missionary experiences, I am all the more inflamed by the same spirit of missionary passion of our mission predecessors.
The FLAME is an inspiration and encouragement to serve the church and glorify God, so that as OAD our hearts will keep the fire of love for God and neighbor burning, our lives radiate the peace and the light  of Christ, doing our duty like Jesus; in taking care of the affairs of the FATHER, mirrored in the lives of our mission mentors.
—Born: Pessinetto, Torino,(Italy)
—Died: Mar. 31, 1754. Luc-thuy village, Bui Chu Diocese, Nam dinh Province
—Studies:  Philosophy & Theology in the convent of St. Nicholas, Genoa (Italy)
—Profession: Sept.17, 1715
—Personal traits: Intelligent, kind, prudent, had a spirit of sacrifice and selfless
—Mission area: Vietnam
—Nominated Prefect of the Mission by Pope Clement XII, Apostolic Visitor and Vicar in the Vicariate of  Eastern Tonkin (now Hai Phong Diocese) 1737
—Appointed by Pope Benedict XXIV on Nov. 26 1744, to be Apostolic Delegate in Cocincina- South Vietnam(where Saigon/Ho Chi Minh City is now located)
—Auxiliary Bishop of Msgr. Tommaso Bottari, assisting the Vicariate of Western Tonkin on Oct.3,1735
—Titular  Bishop of Corycus, Cilicia –now is in Mersin province, Turkey (1735-1740)
—He convoked the COUNCIL OF TONKIN in Luc-Thuy on 1753
—Published in Annamite language about philosophy, dogma and morals; Sunday sermons, biography of saints, rites for the mass and administration of  sacraments, courses in spiritual direction, translation of the Rule and OAD Constitutions.
—Sent the confirmation to Rome regarding the 4 Jesuits and 2 Domenican  martyrs, facilitating their canonization and were proclaimed saints.
“ regarding my situation in this mission, the divine goodness delights in giving me continually the abundance of grace  such as a healthy body and keeping me away from countless dangers in which I am living especially during this time when a civil war broke out. I just can’t tell how many villages were destroyed and destroyed by fire, how endless are the killings and cruelty: it almost seems  like a punishment of God for their great sin of idolatry and hate to our Christian Faith.”
 (Letter to his parents)
  “ If God will not give me a special grace, though I live with all sincerity and truth, being so happy in coming here, I feel I can’t make it because “ I feel another  law within myself which struggles against the law in my mind” (St. Paul). It is for this reason that I recommend myself with all my being to your prayers.”
(Letter  to the Provincial of Piemonte, Italy)
  “Therefore, in the present case I advise you: Leave these men alone! Let them go! For if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail. But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God”.
(Acts 5:38-39)
—“If you love Christ, extend your charity to the whole world  because in the world are scattered the members of Christ”
—(St. Augustine)
Father of all, you sent your Son to carry out your mission of
Redeeming the world.  Today, many still have not heard his
message of truth and love. Our world is torn by war and
conflict, by poverty and injustice. Let the light of your
Gospel of love so shine in the world that it may be
transformed into a worthy home for all your children of
every race and country.  Bless all missionaries throughout
the world that their work may bear fruit.  Together with
them, may we too share in the missionary work of the
whole Church that your Kingdom of justice, love and peace
may come in all hearts and in all nations. We make our
prayer through Christ Our Lord. Amen

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